HZN 2023-03-04[EVENT] Sindy Liang
On 4 March, the film “Promise Through Lifetime”, which is based on the story of Zhang Yugun, a “model of the times” and “moving figure of China”, was screened in Zhuhai. Harrow Zhuhai students Rain Tan and Cherry Chen attended the event as teenage actors in this film. Students and teachers were invited to watch the film.
The film tells the story of three generations of schoolteachers who have spent half a century rooted in the mountains, changing the future of mountain children through education with Rain Tan as Zhang Yugun’s teenage years and Cherry Chen as a mountain child in the film. The film has won more than ten awards from prestigious film festivals in Europe and the US, including the Madrid International Film Festival in Spain, the Italian International Film Festival and the Cannes International Film Festival.
Dr. Caruso, Head Master of Harrow Zhuhai, said that the school was proud of the two Harrow Zhuhai students and applauded them for their heartfelt performance. The film brought everyone together to proudly pay tribute to Zhang Yugun, and the many dedicated educators. Education is a profession that harvests joy and nurtures hope, and it is through the stories of Mr Zhang and other educators that we experience this mission of nurturing people.
At Harrow Zhuhai, we embrace a similar educational philosophy to Zhang Yugun’s and we will move forward with Courage, joyfully and positively into the transformation of education; with Honour, we are committed to providing excellence and success for all students; with Humility, we will accept the challenges before us and turn them into opportunities; and through teamwork, we will work closely together to create visions and realise dreams for our students.