
University Counselling

A pathway to the world’s best university

Over the years we have built an exceptional track record of successes in university placement, based on outstanding grades and bespoke counselling support.

Personalised guidance, privileged access

We ensure that all students achieve their academic potential, develop their personal attributes and build the experiences that improve their university and career opportunities. Each year many students graduate from the Harrow family of schools to take up places at Oxford, Cambridge and Ivy League universities, as well as the best universities in Asia.

While many schools adopt a ‘one size fits all’ approach to university guidance, all our HISs and HILAs offer a dedicated University Admissions and Careers Guidance Centre. Specialist tutors support the application process, giving individualised assistance to each student (and their parents).


All universities, including the world’s elite universities, are looking to admit students who can articulate a passion for their chosen subject, are intellectually curious, independent learners, and can demonstrate academic rigour as well as emotional intelligence and resilience. That is why our age-appropriate university preparation starts from the moment they set foot through our door.

In every year group, there are many opportunities for students to develop their own interests and passions, via access to literature (fiction, popular non-fiction and academic articles); visiting speakers; a variety of clubs and societies; travel opportunities within the local community and further afield; and of course via inspirational teachers and teaching. Every lesson and activity is designed to spark intellectual curiosity, teach students how to learn not just what to learn and allow students to demonstrate academic rigour.

Formal public speaking and the less formal but equally important skill of speaking in public are a part of our daily life. These skills are regularly practised via assemblies, presentations, debates, class discussions and competitions.

Our Alumni network provides opportunities for work experience placements, mentoring and a useful point of contact for information about specific courses and universities.

Our outstanding pastoral care that is inherent in all that we do, helps students develop a moral compass and live by the Harrow Values, as well as help them develop the resilience to learn from failure and cope with the challenges that life often throws up. Character traits that students will need at school, university, in their chosen career and their personal lives.

Once the students start to think about possible careers and university courses, we provide additional, bespoke university and careers guidance and preparation for the application process, including a dedicated University Admissions and Careers Guidance Centre and a super-curricular society.