HZN 2023-8-31[EDUCATION]Sindy Liang
Prior to the start of this year’s school year, Harrow Hengqin arranged a two-week customised training for all staff, covering the curriculum system, assessment development, English language learning, student behaviour, Harrow’s Pastoral Care System and Safeguarding Policy. Throughout the training, veteran teachers were arranged to lead new teachers in interactive and explanatory sessions to ensure that Harrow’s teaching and learning norms and campus guidelines were fully understood and implemented. The INSET Week is specially arranged for a team of staff from the Harrow Little Lion Kindergarten in Zhuhai to participate together, helping to bridge the concepts and standards of Harrow’s education system, as well as helping to make the future transition from Kindergarten to Primary School smoother.

An important lesson in the full training is School Safety and Safeguarding. At Harrow, we always put them first, and student safety is the responsibility of every Harrow staff member. Pastoral Care is the school’s provision to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of pupils and is an essential foundation on which learning can take place. Harrow Hengqin’s high standards of Pastoral Care extend to all aspects of school life to promote the personal development of students. Therefore, training on the whole school’s Pastoral Care System is one of the key elements of this training.

Harrow Hengqin encourages teachers to continue to grow, pursue excellence and teach effectively. The senior management team and the Heads of Subject provide appropriate academic training for the teachers, and the AISL Harrow Group also sends education experts to provide guidance. Lower School refined English teaching methodology as Upper School teachers expressed their views, recorded notes carefully, and worked towards the direction of continuously optimising the experience of the Bilingual Integration Programme, so that Harrow students could become even better.

Dr Max Caruso, Head Master of Harrow Hengqin, conveyed Harrow Hengqin’s vision, mission and future development plans. He said in a sea of positive changes this year, the one constant is that Harrow School London is our guiding exemplar. As we, Harrrovians… nurture character … we in fact also nurture destiny…Character and destiny of young people who will no doubt, given the positions of privilege that they inhabit… be the change makers the influencers of the now … let alone the future. We carry as educators as teachers as significant adults in the lives of our students … a great joy … and as I mentioned… a great burden. We achieve a higher level of existence by cultivating the character of Harrovians. Our core values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship will sustain us as we move forward with determination.